2 Years, 3 Sons, 4 Lessons

Jeff Nelligan • May 07, 2021
All four Nelligans haven’t been together in 2 ½ years because of military deployments so here are photos of when three were. From the left: Devlin, Nellie, Braden and on the extreme right of the second photo, KoiKoi. Someday there will be a photo of all four.

Two years ago my book on parenting was published – Four Lessons From My Three Sons: How You Can Raise a Resilient Kid . Noted at the time was that I wrote it for two reasons:

First, my last son left for college so I suddenly had a lot of free time. Sound familiar to all you empty nesters? No longer was I attending games and practices and school events, nervously pacing sidelines and hallways muttering like a maniac.

Second, I have a bottomless ego - ha! - and figured I had some good advice to offer parents. And why not?! I’d been around kids for more than two decades in every situation under the sun known to the American Dad. So yeah, to borrow the most quoted line the book, I knew what I had to do: “Just get the ball to Louie!”

At all of 70 pages the book is short and loose and hard and fast. In addition to all the hijinx I wrote about, I spared no one and nothing – stupid jerk kids (chapter 3), crazy wokeness (chapter 5), and my sons’ failures and my own failures (chapter 4). Throughout the laughs and funny phrases and real-world wake-up calls, I held steady to the four ways in which I wanted my sons to flourish: Conduct, Confidence, Resilience and Ambition. Indeed, they are as important now to a 25-year-old as they were to a kid of six.

Two years later, I am stunned – and humbled – by the book’s reception. I’ve been interviewed by major-league journalists, book excerpts have been published on a wide range of parenting websites, and yours truly has spoken at numerous conferences giving my unfiltered take on All Things Kids. Absolutely best of all, I’ve heard from hundreds and hundreds of parents who read the book, told me a wide range of tales about their kids, and how the book gave them ideas about parenting styles. Indeed, I heard from a number of parents who had their kids read the book and then discuss it. It was one of many superb insights that were wayyyy outside the narrow parameters of my mind.

From all the conversations and feedback, several themes emerged which told me that I could have done better in writing Four Lessons. And yes, just like I told my sons, when you run into adversity and justified criticism, man up and take the pain. Assess, advance adapt.

Hence, following are a few general comments based upon – and here’s a switch - a ton of advice that I received and some frank admissions of my own shortcomings

The Evil Screens

By far, the most frequent conversations with parents were about screens – phones, laptops, televisions – what I will derisively call the “glowing rectangle.” I noted in the book that my guys were totally limited in screen time; they didn’t receive phones until they were 16 and could drive and that they received one hour a week to play video games. Yes, I know Covid has upended a lot of households, most of all the virtual teaching of kids. What I said again and again in my parent conversations that while here’s a reason for screen time for class and homework, the moment those are complete the wise parent takes away the laptop, phone, and video games. Before Covid, American 8-to-12-year-olds spent 4 hours and 44 minutes on screen media each day and teenagers a whopping 7 hours and 22 minutes. Does any reasonable parent think this saturation is anything but appalling?!

So I will reiterate: Take the screens away! No excuses, no negotiation. These items are yours, not theirs. You bought them, you pay for the service. There is nothing more damaging to a kid who is already going through the crucible of isolation than for him or her to get on a phone and be subject to the madness of social media and so called “entertainment.” Nothing raises more the panic and anxiety than constant streams of sensationalist and often vulgar information. Rip it out of their hands and be wise enough to offer alternatives.

“Fat Kid Nation

I could be diplomatic here but Nellie is not sophisticated enough to offer fairy tales so I’ll lay it on the line. A surprisingly large number of parents voiced concern about obese and overweight kids they see – and sometimes, have. One Dad said “It’s fat kid nation out there.” A Mom sent me a study from Kaiser Family Foundation: 32 percent of kids between 10 and 17 are overweight or obese. Unbelievable.

Now, my exposure to heavyset kids had mostly been seeing them on teams against which my sons played in football and lacrosse (sometimes even at swim meets, which I always found startling). Anyone who knows sports knows what to do with a heavy kid on the field: You drive right at him relentlessly. Your offense and defense goes right through him because he’s quickly gassed and making errors. Yeah, again not PC but any kid in uniform – and in any parent in the bleachers – knows that’s how it shakes down.

Hence, I wish I’d addressed this in the book – that parents have got to seize control of a kid’s diet and force him to exercise every day until he or she drops. Fat kid nation, indeed.

Ambition and Teachers

I got some blowback for my seeming criticism of the teaching profession and the salaries made by teachers. Even as I added in the book that teachers at every stage of my life had given me priceless guidance, I apologize for my seeming insensitivity. So to humbly clarify, the point wasn’t about teachers – it was about earning power. You recall my eldest son said he wanted to be a teacher and because I am all about shock treatment - did I tell you I’m unfiltered? - I drove him to a neighborhood where with a teacher's salary, he would be destined to live. TO reiterate the book: Teaching is an honorable and near heroic profession. It’s also the least appreciated. And moreover, the problems of bad parenting or nonexistent

parenting always get dropped on teachers. They are paid way below what they deserve. If my kid had said he wanted to enter another profession known for low salaries, I would have taken him to the same neighborhood. But he didn’t. I wrote the truth.

Too Late?

Parents of older kids told me they wish there was a book for kids who were 18 and older, who had gone down a wrong path or no path at all and needed to be forcibly guided back to a better path. We all know the struggles of the Millennials and Generation Z; many self-inflicted. Such a large percentage of these two cohorts still live at home, are in debt, poor health (44 % of older Millennials age 32 to 40 already have one chronic condition) aimless, shun useful employment, lack follow – or as my Dad used to say, “Can’t put a key in a lock.” Of course – if you get trophies all your life for having a heartbeat, you’re going to be slack-jawed loser crouching in your parents’ basement.

I have a set of defined ideas for such a book and if there is an overwhelming push from my loyal public – ha! - I will write that book. Yeah, it’s like in Caddyshack where Judge Smails in his talking to Danny Noonan: “I know how hard young people have it today, and I want to help.”

A Final Word

Now, a word about my three sons, which is after all, how this whole crazy thing started. By design and perhaps you don’t recall, I mentioned briefly their accomplishments (on page xi) as a way to suggest validation of my parenting style. Sure, I may be an over-the-top Dad but I didn’t feel it relevant to wax on throughout the book with examples of their personal diligence. But OK, now it can be revealed that two of them received the Certificate of Merit in 8th grade for one week of perfect attendance.

The eldest is now on his second deployment as a Naval officer to the Far East; the middle kid is a Naval officer on his second deployment to the 7th Fleet in the Pacific; the youngest is finishing up his third year at West Point. Enough said.

In the two years since the book was written, all three have had occasional triumphs and occasions of major-league adversity. That’s the way life works; as I said repeatedly: No one gets a free ride. I will add that the two eldest were in two separate and particularly tight situations in their military jobs, during the midst of which, as they told me later, they managed to pull out the old phrase heard from an unemployed Dad on a football field long ago: “Yeah, it’s the end of the world.” For both, it wasn’t; it never is. But aha, the staying power of the Lessons – and the phrase!

To reiterate what was in the book’s Introduction, I wrote it because I knew that even some part of my two decades of experience with my three sons might help parents raise alert, rugged, and resilient kids in this increasingly confused and unsettled world. As I said back then, my parenting tactics worked for my kids. They can work for yours.


Every Dad in America wants to raise a resilient kid. Four Lessons from My Three Sons charts the course.  

Written by a good-natured but unyielding father, this slim volume describes how his off-beat and yet powerful forms of encouragement helped his sons obtain the assurance, strength and integrity needed to achieve personal success and satisfaction. This book isn't 300 pages of pop child psychology or a fatherhood "journey" filled with jargon and equivocation. It's tough and hard and fast. It’s about how three boys made their way to the U.S. Naval Academy, Williams, and West Point – and beyond.
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Leave it to the eminent psychologist Ron “Jaws” Jaworski, B.A., Youngstown State, 1973, to define the essence of a confident worldview: “Facemask up!” It was his signature comment when talking about a pro quarterback leaving the pocket and instead of keeping his eyes up field to find the open receiver, was looking down at his feet as he ran. It’s a plain tale in a cluttered age and the meaning is simple: Be alert. Pay attention. Take in your surroundings. Examine and understand the landscape in front of you. Here’s one for the modern-age kid: Get your eyes off the glowing rectangle and absorb the world. The more one absorbs the world, the more confident one becomes. Because I have spent many years as an operative in the political realm, I’ve become skilled at helping principals navigate through individuals - five, fifty, five hundred - and I was keen on situational awareness. “SA” as the boys and I called it means eyes and ears focused; it’s about getting a feel for the dynamics of the people whom you are around, and the places in which you find yourself. I wanted them to have active minds that eschewed taking anything at face value, minds that really tried to understand the behavior and temperaments of their peers and the converse, total strangers. I wanted them to know how to handle themselves in the real world, in routine and unfamiliar circumstances. Here’s how the instruction began: When they were young – the eldest only nine-years old, the four of us were in a crowded department store where I had gone to buy a blazer. Standing here amidst the press of people, looking for a salesman, I told them in a whisper, which got their immediate attention, “Guys, I want you to watch this closely.” I carefully walked by several salespeople in the men’s clothing area, glancing back at the boys each time, then circled back past the fourth to a third guy. I got the answer and I help needed from him and came back to the boys. “OK boys, tell me what you saw.” They talked over each other about my walking around and passing by different clerks and then the middle kid spoke for all. “Why did you go to that guy? He wasn’t even next to the jackets.” “Here’s why, and pay attention. Everywhere you go, in every situation, you gotta look at people and figure them out fast.” Blank stares. I doggedly continued: “If you need some-thing, like I needed this blazer, you need to decide who is the best person to help you. I looked at the four sales guys – their clothes, the way they were standing, if they looked nice and smart, if they were smiling. Then I made my decision and chose that one man because I thought he would help me the most. Gents, you gotta read the crowd.” There was a faint glimmer of understanding, but there was a ways to go. How did I drive it home? Simple. I made them do it. Not long after, we were in the corridors of a big indoor mall. I took three $5 bills out of my wallet and handed one to each kid. “Here’s the deal. I want each of you to go into one of the stores along here and get change for the fiver. This isn’t a race. You have to go alone and then come back tell me about what you did.” Of course, I had their total attention. This was action on their part and they were excited. Yeah, I kept an eye on them, the youngest being five. Each one took off, navigating through shoppers, going into various stores, two striking out and coming back out and into other stores. They were overjoyed, to share their stories when they got back. We did this change-the-five deal often. There were other stunts. I’d have the 9-year-old go into a convenience store with cash – and some of these were rough-and-tumble places - to get beef jerky and Doritos. I’d pull into the parking lot of a carry-out restaurant and instruct the 8-year-old take our order, memorize it, and then go into the place and get it and pay for it. At airports, I put the eldest, then later the middle kid, in charge of getting boarding passes, either from a kiosk or handling everything with an agent while the rest of us stood by. At ages 11 and 10. All three sons soon became accustomed to this independence. They’d become totally engaged in these “tests” and after they’d be thrilled, as only young boys can be, to talk about their treks. By making it a game, I immediately won the boys’ participation. Fast forward: The eldest at age 15 is at big train station in New Jersey, confused about schedules and noise and surging people. He gets himself calmed down and starts looking around him and sees a kid carrying an orange duffle bag emblazoned with “McDonogh School Athletics.” My son has played against this school and thus feels comfortable in introducing himself to the kid and asking advice. It turns out the guy knows all about schedules and points s my son to the right train. The middle kid, not quite eight-years-old, is at a bowling alley and an arcade machine eats his money. He doesn’t lose his cool, loiters around, waits for the same thing to happen to an older kid and then discovers, by watching the older kid, who the attendant is in charge of fiddling with the machine and refunding the money. Virtually everywhere we went, from the most pedestrian places to the most exciting, we’d play the game. What do you see? Who is doing what? Who is hot and who is not? “Take in all the folks around you, measure them. Which one would you trust? Who is sketchy?” You need to impress upon your son these opportunities in the arena all around us. The youngest son, six-years old, is at a kids’ party at a big shopping mall, with a pair of hopelessly disorganized parents who drift away with a group of youngsters, leaving my boy and two other kids in the midst of a huge food court. You’re a Dad - you can only imagine the initial panic the kids felt when they realized they were alone. But aha, Nelligan Junior knows what to do. He recalls what I told him and his brothers once when we were in the surging crowds at a local college football stadium. “You guys are small so if you get lost somewhere in a bunch of people, look for that guy with a stripe running down their pants. That’s a policeman or a soldier and they’ll help out.” At the mall, my kid tells that to the two other kids and they stand for a few minutes, intently staring at passing legs.They see a mall security officer, who eventually links them up with the irresponsible parents. Self-assurance just doesn’t happen, it’s gained through encounters of all kinds. Whether it’s a group of four or a mob of several hundred, get them reading the crowd. Here’s a challenge to parents: Undertake one of the examples noted above – gently push your kid into a situation where he or she has to be alert and think on their feet in this everyday world around us all. You’ll be giving your child an inestimable lesson on the independence that creates a resilient kid.
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